
UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Pavan Sukhdev wins prestigious Blue Planet Prize

economy pioneer and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Goodwill Ambassador Pavan Sukhdev was announced today as the recipient
of the 2016 Blue Planet Prize, marking the 25th anniversary of the award
sponsored by the Asahi Glass Foundation. Each year two Blue Planet
Prizes are awarded to individuals or organizations for outstanding
achievements in scientific research and its application to solve global
environmental problems. University of Glasgow professor and former
director of the Frankfurt Zoological Society Africa Program, Prof.
Markus Borner of Switzerland is the other 2016 winner.

Mr. Sukhdev
was recognized for pioneering the development of economic rationale and
practical metrics for transition towards an inclusive green economy.
Serving as study leader for the UNEP-hosted Economics of Ecosystems and
Biodiversity (TEEB) – he has shown how valuing ecosystems and their
services can translate into improved public policies and business
practices. By developing sustainability metrics for corporate,
provincial and national levels, he has been driving the momentum for the
transition to an inclusive green economy. "I wish to thank Asahi Glass Foundation for the great honour of being awarded the Blue Planet Prize," said Mr. Sukhdev. "I
am humbled by this recognition, and for being included in a list of
pioneers from whom I draw inspiration and guidance. The Blue Planet
Prize motivates me to continue my work on making nature's economic
values visible and better responded to by policy makers and business
leaders, on redesigning the corporation, and on improving and
implementing metrics and accounting systems for sustainability. These
are all critical areas for transforming today's defunct yet dominant
economic model into an inclusive and green economy of permanence."

recipients will be awarded a certificate of merit, a commemorative
trophy and a supplementary award of 50 million yen (around $470,000) at
the official award ceremony in Tokyo, in November. Commemorative
lectures by the prize recipients will be held at the United Nations
University (Shibuya Ward, Tokyo) on November 17.